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- <text>
- <title>PLO Official 'Abbas on 'New Page' in Relations</title>
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- <hdr>
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, September 14, 1993
- PLO Official 'Abbas on 'New Page' in Relations
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- <body>
- <p>["Text" of speech by PLO Executive Committee Member Mahmud
- 'Abbas at the signing ceremony between Israel and the PLO at the
- White House on 13 September, in Arabic with passage-by-passage
- translation into English--live]
- </p>
- <p> [Text] Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: In these
- historic moments, with feelings of joy that are mixed with the
- greatest sense of responsibility regarding the events that are
- affecting our entire region, I greet you and I greet this
- distinguished gathering. I hope that this meeting in Washington
- will prove to be the onset of a positive and constructive change
- that will serve the interests of the Palestinian and Israeli
- peoples.
- </p>
- <p> We have come to this point, because we believe that
- peaceful coexistence and cooperation are the only means for
- reaching understanding and for realizing the hopes of the
- Palestinians and the Israelis. The agreement we will sign
- reflects the decision we made in the PLO to turn a new page in
- our relationship with Israel.
- </p>
- <p> We know quite well that this is merely the beginning of a
- journey that is surrounded by numerous dangers and difficulties,
- and yet our mutual determination to overcome everything that
- stands in the way of the cause of peace, our common belief that peace is the only means to security and stability, and
- our mutual aspiration for a secure peace characterized by
- cooperation--all this will enable us to overcome all obstacles
- with the support of the international community.
- </p>
- <p> And here, I would like to mention, in particular, the
- United States Government, which will shoulder the responsibility
- of continuing to play an effective and a distinct role in the
- next stage so that this great achievement may be completed.
- </p>
- <p> In this regard, it is important for me to say that we are
- looking forward with a great deal of hope and optimism to a date
- that is two years from today, when negotiations over the final
- status of our country are set to begin. We will then settle the
- remaining fundamental issues, especially those of Jerusalem, the
- refugees, and the settlements. At that time, we will be laying
- the last brick in the edifice of peace, whose foundations we are
- establishing today.
- </p>
- <p> The major challenge facing the Palestinian people is
- economic development after years of struggle, during which our
- national infrastructure and institutions had to put up with a
- heavy, exhausting burden. We are looking to the world for its
- support and encouragement in our struggle for the growth and
- development that begins today.
- </p>
- <p> I thank the Government of the United States of America and
- the Government of the Russian Federation for the part they
- played and for their efforts and their sponsorship of the peace
- process. I also appreciate the roled played by the Government of
- Norway in bringing about this agreement and I look forward to
- seeing positive results soon on the remaining Arab-Israeli
- tracks so we can proceed together with our Arab brothers on this
- comprehensive quest for peace. Thank you.
- </p>
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